A Delivery/ Task Order is an order for supplies placed against an established contract or with Government sources.
From the FPDS Navigation
screen, under the logo, click
Enter data in the General Information section.
Award Type: Defaults to Delivery/Task Order
Award Status: Defaults to New
Award ID - Mandatory Fields
Agency Code - Enter the appropriate four (4) digit agency or subagency identification code from the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Publication 95 (FIPS 95).
PIID - Enter the Contract, Purchase Order, or Agreement number for the instant action. If you are reporting a delivery/task order, enter the order number. Proposed FAR 4.11 prescribes convention for numbering Contracts, Agreements and Orders. Number format must be upper case alpha and numeric only with no embedded spaces or special characters. FPDS-NG will convert lower case letters to upper case, remove leading or trailing blank spaces, and remove any non-alphanumeric characters prior to validation.
Mod No - When reporting modifications to contracts, agreements, or orders, report the modification number assigned by the reporting contracting office. For any given PIID, all Modification Numbers must be unique.
Referenced IDV ID - Enter the Contract or Agreement Number of the IDV against which the order is placed. When reporting the initial load of a BPA under a FSS, report the FSS contract number
Reason for Modification - not applicable.
Solicitation ID - Enter the Solicitation Identifier as in FedBizOpps. Number format must be upper case alpha and numeric only with no embedded spaces or special characters. FPDS-NG will convert lower case letters to upper case, remove leading or trailing blank spaces, and remove any non-alphanumeric characters prior to validation.
Enter data in the Dates section.
Date Signed - Enter the date that the transaction was signed. For a bilateral transaction, this is the later of the date signed by the Contractor or the Contracting Officer. For a unilateral transaction, this is the date signed by the Contracting Officer.
Effective Date - Enter the effective date agreed to by the parties.
Estimated Ultimate Completion Date - Enter the mutually agreed upon contract completion date for the entire contract or order including all options or other modifications. For a delivery order, this refers to the delivery order completion only, not the referenced indefinite delivery vehicle.
Enter data in the Amounts section.
Obligation Amount - Enter the net amount of funds (in dollars and cents) obligated or de-obligated by this transaction. If the net amount is zero, enter zero. If the net amount is a de-obligation, enter a minus sign in addition to the net amount.
Change in Base and Exercised Options Value - Enter the total value (in dollars and cents) of the base contract plus all options (if any) that have been exercised at the time of award.
Change in Base and All Options Value - Enter the mutually agreed upon total estimated contract or order value (in dollars and cents) including the base contract and all options (if any).
Fees Paid For Use of Service - List of administrative fees charged for using an Indefinite Delivery Vehicle other than Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) Vehicle. The fees can be one of the following format: 1) Fixed, 2) Range - Varies by amount, and 3) Range - Varies by Other Factors.
Enter data in the Purchaser Information section.
Contracting Office ID - Contracting Office Code must be a valid contracting office code in the FPDS-NG Contracting Office/Funding Office Lookup Table for the agency. If the default code is not appropriate, enter the code for the contracting office that executed or is otherwise responsible for the transaction.
Funding/Requesting Agency ID - Program/Funding Agency Code must be in the FPDS-NG FIPS 95 Agencies/Sub-agency look-up table.
Funding/Requesting Agency Office - Program/Funding Office – Code must be blank or must be a valid funding office code in the FPDS-NG Contracting Office/Funding Office. If Program/Funding Agency is DoD, then Program/Funding Office Code must have a value.
Funded by Foreign Entity - If a foreign government or international organization bears some of the cost of the acquisition (this includes Foreign Military Sales), enter Y. Otherwise enter N.
Purchase Reason - Reason for Purchase must be a valid value from the FPDS-NG Data Dictionary. If Program/Funding Agency - Code is DoD and Product or Service Code begins with ‘70’, ‘D3’, ‘H170’, ‘H270’, ‘H370’, ‘H970’, ‘J070’, ‘K070’, ‘L070’, ‘N070’, ‘U012’ or ‘W070’, then Reason for Purchase must not be blank, else Reason for Purchase must be blank. When the contracting agency or the funding agency is DoD and this procurement is for computer hardware or services, select a value for the reason certified by the funding office.
Enter data in the Contractor Information section.
Enter the vendor's name
and click .
From the pick list, click
on the left to make your selection.
Click on
the right to load your selection.
The Socio Economic Data section will automatically populate when you select the vendor.
Enter data in the Contract Data section.
Select Type of Contract
Cost or Pricing Data
Purchase Card Accepted as Payment Method
Contingency Humanitarian Peacekeeping Operation
Contract Financing
Cost Accounting Standards Clause
Enter data in the Legislative Mandates section.
Clinger Cohen Act - Check if the transaction is subject to Clinger Cohen Act, otherwise leave blank.
Service Contract Act - Check if the transaction is subject to Service Contract Act, otherwise leave blank.
Walsh Healy Act - Check if the transaction is subject to Walsh Healy Act, otherwise leave blank.
Davis Bacon Act - Check if the transaction is subject to Davis Bacon Act, otherwise leave blank.
Enter data in the Principal Place of Performance section.
Principal Place of Performance Name - Select the appropriate code from the FPDS-NG list.
Congressional District Place of Performance - For US Place of Performance, indicates the Congressional District if it can be determined. Otherwise indicates that multiple districts may be involved.
Congressional District Contractor - Indicates the congressional district of the contractor. For contractors with US addresses, use zip+4 from “Contractor Address” to index into a table of congressional districts.
Enter data in the Product or Service Information section.
Product or Service Code - Pick the code that best identifies the product or service procured. If more than one code applies, then report the code that represents most of the ultimate contract value.
Principal NAICS Code - Report the code that was used in the solicitation.
Bundled Requirements - Select the code that best represents the agency’s reason for bundling contract requirements.
DOD Acquisition Program
Country of Product or Service Origin
Place of Manufacture
Recovered Materials/Sustainability
Description of Contract Requirement - Enter a brief description of the goods or services that you are buying or for an Indefinite Delivery Vehicle, a brief description of the goods or services available.
InfoTech Commercial Item Category
Claimant Program Code
Sea Transportation - Check when the contractor's response to the provision at 252.247-7022, Representation of Extent of Transportation by Sea, or 252.212-7000(c)(2), Offeror Representations and Certifications - Commercial Items, indicates that the contractor anticipates that some of the supplies being provided may be transported by sea.
GFP Provided Under This Action - Check if the contract uses GFP, otherwise leave blank.
Use of EPA Designated Products
Enter data in the Competition Info section.
Number of Offers Received - Enter the actual number of offers received.
Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program - Indicates whether the contract was awarded to a US business concern as a result of a solicitation issued on or after Jan 1, 1989 for the four designated industry groups or the ten targeted industry categories as part of the Small Business Competitiveness Program as defined by FAR Part 19.10.
Commercial Item Test Program - Designates whether the solicitation used Commercial Item Acquisition Procedures as defined by FAR Part 12 and Simplified Acquisition Procedures as defined by FAR Part 13.5 for acquisitions above the Simplified Acquisition Threshold and below $5,000,000.
Synopsis Waiver Exception
Alternate Advertising - Check if the contracting officer used methods in addition to or in place of those required by FAR 5.201 to advertise the requirement. Otherwise leave blank.
A76 Action - Check if the contract action resulted from an A-76/Fair Act competitive sourcing process, otherwise leave blank.
Commercial Item Acquisition Procedures - Report this code if the contract action is for a commercial item procured pursuant to the procedures in FAR Part 12 (Acquisition of Commercial Items) and clause 52.212-4 was included in the contract.
Enter data in the Preference Programs/Other Data section.
Contracting Officer business Size Determination - Report the Contracting Officer’s determination of whether the selected contractor is a small business for this contract.
Subcontract Plan - Subcontracting plan requirement. (See FAR Part 19.702). Report the code for the subcontracting requirement.
Price Evaluation Percent Difference
Reason Not Awarded to Small Disadvantaged Business
Reason Not Awarded to Small Business
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