Name: Performance-Based Service Contract
Screen Name: Performance Based Service Contract
Definition: Indicates whether the contract is a PBSC as defined by FAR 37.601. A PBSC –
a. Describes the requirements in terms of results required rather than the methods of performance of the work;
b. Uses measurable performance standards (i.e., terms of quality, timeliness, quantity, etc.) and quality assurance surveillance plans (see 46.103(a) and 46.401(a));
c. Specifies procedures for reductions of fee or for reductions to the price of a fixed-price contract when services are not performed or do not meet contract requirements (see 46.407); and
d. Includes performance incentives where appropriate.
For FPDS reporting purposes, a minimum of 80% of the anticipated obligations under the procurement action must meet the above requirements.
FAR/DFARS: FAR 37.601; DFARS 253.204-70(b)(1)(v)
Length: 1
Required: Mandatory for specified services, otherwise NA. It is mandatory for Modifications for additional work.
Y This is a contract for services and 80% or more of the requirement is specified as a performance requirement.
N This is a contract for services and less than 80% of the requirement is specified as a performance requirement.
* Not Applicable
FPDS Legacy: Currently Collected; Re-Engineering Program Office recommended additional codes
Instruction: Enter the appropriate code from the list.