Simplified Acquisition Threshold Report - Enhancement II


Revision as of 16:38, 3 September 2014 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)
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DescriptionStart Date End Date
BETA Installation Friday August 15, 2014Monday August 18, 2014
Functional Qualification Testing Tuesday August 19, 2014Thursday August 21, 2014
Installation in ProductionTBDTBD

Document Changes

DocumentationChanges Required
XML SpecificationsNo
Web ServicesNo
Data Dictionary No
NASA Specific Data DictionaryNo
Use Case SummaryNo
Validation RulesNo
Online HelpNo
User ManualNo

SPR Listing

SPR #EnhancementSolutionImpact to Users and Integrators
Simplified Acquisition Threshold Report The purpose of this new Standard Report is to provide Funding Agencies with a tool they can use to analyze their small business performance on contracts within the Simplified Acquisition Threshold (SAT), $3-150K range. Contracts within the SAT are reserved for small business (SB) per 15 USC Sec. 644(j)(1) and FAR 13.003(b)(1). Following are the high level functional requirements for this report:

1. The new Standard report, “Simplified Acquisition Threshold Report” will display data by the Funding Department and will be placed in the “HOW” category of the Standard Reports.

  • Note*: "Other than Small Business" and "Number of Actions" columns have been removed from the report layout.

2. The report will reflect any action obligation reported during the time frame queried, regardless of what Fiscal Year the Base (Modification Number = 0) was signed. The purpose is to capture all SAT Action Obligation $ reported during the time frame queried.

  • Note*: The report is no longer using cumulative Action Obligations values when calculating Total Small Business Action Obligations $ within SAT

3. Data will be displayed in the report after the following conditions are applied:

  • The Base and All Options value of Mod 0 is greater than $3,000 and less than or equal to $150,000
  • Document type is one of the following: Purchase Order, Definitive Contract, DO against a BOA, Part 13 BPA Call and IDC
  • Goaling Exclusions are applied.

4. The Search Criteria screen shall offer the following filters. This report can be executed for a Department, Agency, Funding Office or a valid combination of all of them.

  • From Date – mandatory filter
  • To Date – mandatory filter
    • The date range shall not exceed 5 years
  • Department ID – optional filter
  • Agency ID – optional filter; this is the funding Agency
  • Funding Office ID – optional filter

5. Data shall be displayed by the Funding Department and shall be retrieved in the following forms

  • Summary report
  • Drill downs
  • Award Detail