V1.4 SP4.0


Revision as of 03:14, 5 June 2010 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)


DescriptionStart Date End Date
BETA Installation Monday June 25, 2010Monday June 25, 2010
Functional Qualification TestingTuesday June 28, 2010Thursday June 30, 2010
Installation in ProductionFriday July 09, 2010Friday July 09, 2010

Document Changes

DocumentationChanges Required
XML SpecificationsNo
Web ServicesNo
Data Dictionary Yes
NASA Specific Data DictionaryNo
Use Case SummaryNo
Validation RulesYes
Online HelpYes
Computer-Based TrainingNo
Report ManualNo

SPR Listing

SPR #ProblemSolutionImpact to Users and Integrators
FPDSNG-3629 CCR will be stopping the dissemination of SIC Code from v4.10.3 – Scheduled for July 28, 2010. FPDS-NG CCR Loading Process needs to be changed to accommodate the File Format changes.

The CCR loading process shall be modified to read all the records from the CCR flat file without the “SIC Code” and “SIC Code Counter”.

FPDSNG-3630 The TAS Codes that may be used for ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) contracts are not limited to Recovery contracts. To give the users the ability to mark the contracts as ‘Recovery’, the data element “Initiative” shall be changed from text box to dropdown and made as ‘Optional’ for Version 1.4.
  • FPDS-NG shall have the data element “Initiative” as an Optional Dropdown with the value ‘American Recovery and Reinvestment Act’.
  • FPDS-NG shall accept only ‘ARRA’ through Business Services for the data element “Initiative”. Sending any other value shall display the following Validation Rule on ‘create’, ‘update’, ‘isComplete’ and ‘correct’.

“The value <<value>> for Data Element "Initiative" is invalid.”

  • The ‘isComplete’ and ‘correct’ operations shall display the rule but not error out the document.
  • FPDS-NG shall display the following Validation Rule if “Initiative” is marked as ‘ARRA’ and “Treasury Account Symbol” is empty or invalid:

“If “Initiative” is selected then "Treasury Account Symbol" must have a valid value.”

  • The above Validation rule shall be displayed on ‘Validate’, ‘Approve’ and ‘Correct’ through GUI Services and ‘isComplete’, ‘isExistingAwardComplete’, ‘isExistingIDVComplete’, ‘approve’ and ‘correct’ operations through Business Services.
  • All the requirements shall apply to both Civilian and DoD agencies for Version 1.4 only.
  • The Help file, Version 1.4 Data Dictionary and Validation Rules document shall be updated.
FPDSNG-3631, FPDSNG-3632 The TAS Codes may be used for ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) contracts but are not limited to Recovery contracts. The “Initiative” data element is not present in Version 1.3 XML. Hence, for business services Version 1.3, the contract can be marked as “ARRA” through the “Description of Requirement” element.
  • FPDS-NG shall accept the value for the data element “Initiative” through “Description of Requirement” for Business Services in the following format:


  • FPDS-NG shall have the “Initiative” data element as a dropdown on the screen with the value “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act”
  • FPDS-NG shall accept only ‘YES’ through Business Services. If any other value is sent in the format ARRA:: <<value>>::::ARRA, FPDS-NG shall display the following error message:

“Initiative should be of format ‘ARRA::YES::ARRA’ and should not contain special characters.”

  • FPDS-NG shall display the following Validation Rule on ‘Validate’, ‘Approve’ and ‘Correct’ operations through Web Portal and GUI Services if “Initiative” is marked as ‘ARRA’ and “Treasury Account Symbol” is empty or invalid.

“If “Initiative” is selected then "Treasury Account Symbol" must have a valid value.”

  • Both the validation rules specified above shall apply to ‘isComplete’, ‘isExistingAwardComplete’, ‘isExistingIDVComplete’, ‘approve’ and ‘correct’ operations through Business Services.
  • If the contract has been touched once through GUI Services or Web portal. i.e. If ‘Save Draft’, ‘Approve’ or ‘Correct’ operation has been performed through GUI Services or Web Portal; FPDS-NG shall not accept ‘ARRA::YES::ARRA’ sent in “Description Of Requirement” as “Initiative” through Business Services
  • When a contract created through Business Services is opened through Web Portal/GUI Services, “Initiative” shall be populated as ‘American Recovery and Reinvestment Act’ if the “Description of Requirement” has ‘ARRA::YES::ARRA’.
  • FPDS-NG shall have a Data Management fix to add ‘INITIATIVE::ARRA::INITIATIVE’ in “Description of Requirements” for all Version 1.3 Awards and IDVs which have not been touched by GUI Services and Web portal and marked as recovery in the system.
  • FPDS-NG shall have a Data Management fix to populate “Initiative” as ‘American Recovery and Reinvestment Act’ if “Description of Requirement” has ‘ARRA::YES::INITIATIVE’ and the “Treasury Account Symbol” is a valid code.
  • Validation Rules document shall be updated to include the new rule.
  • All the above requirements apply to all Awards and IDVs for both Civilian and DoD agencies for Version 1.3 only.
FPDSIRB-169 As of April 26th 2010, CCR has discontinued providing the following non-essential business types information of the Vendors.
  1. Architecture and Engineering (isArchitectureAndEngineering)
  2. Construction Firm (isConstructionFirm)
  3. Research and Development (isResearchAndDevelopment)
  4. Service Provider (isServiceProvider)
  5. Other Business or Organization Type (isOtherbusinessOrOrganization)

To maintain FPDS-NG data integrity, changes have been made to the system in SP-2.0 SPR FPDSNG-3623. Documentation, reports, ezSearch and ATOM feeds have to be updated.

  • Standard Reports, Ad hoc Reports and their previews shall not display any columns for the CCR flags. The Award Detail on any Standard Report shall not display the CCR Socio Economic Indicator columns.
  • EzSearch shall not return any results when searched by the CCR Socio Economic Indicators. e.g. SOCIO_ECONOMIC_INDICATORS:“Architecture and Engineering”.
  • The ATOM Feed specifications shall be updated to remove the CCR Socio Economic fields.
  • The following ATOM feeds shall not return the CCR Socio Economic Flags.
    • Public Feeds
    • Detail Feeds
    • DOD Feeds
Atom Feeds shall not disseminate the information for the flags mentioned above.
FPDSNG-3633 FPDS-NG does not have a procedure in place to load new or modified TAS codes from FAST book into reference table.
  • FPDS-NG shall have a monthly procedure in place to load new or modified TAS codes from FAST book into reference table.
  • All the TAS Codes in FAST Book shall be available for use in FPDS-NG.
  • The existing functionality shall remain unchanged