Detail Release Notes V1.4


Revision as of 21:50, 30 April 2010 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)


DescriptionStart DateEnd Date
Phase I AlphaNovember 23, 2009December 3, 2009
Phase I Functional Qualification TestingDecember 14, 2009December 23, 2009
Phase II AlphaJanuary 11, 2010January 22, 2010
Phase II Functional Qualification TestingFebruary 8, 2010February 26, 2010
Installation in ProductionMarch 12, 2010March 12, 2010

Documentation Changes

DocumentationChanges Required
XML SpecificationsYes
Web ServicesYes
Data Dictionary Yes
NASA Specific Data DictionaryYes
Use Case SummaryYes
Validation RulesYes
Online HelpYes
Computer-Based TrainingYes
Report ManualYes

Description Of Changes

Treasury Account Symbol

  • GUI element “Treasury Account Symbol” with sub elements “Agency Identifier”, “Main Account”, “Sub Account” will be added to the Document Information section for Version 1.3 and Version 1.4
  • A read-only GUI element “Initiative” will be added to the Document Information section of the screen for Version 1.3 and Version 1.4.
  • Version 1.4 XML schema will accommodate for the above data elements. There is no impact on earlier Version schemas
  • For Civilian documents with a positive or negative obligation, “Agency Identifier”, “Main Account” portions of “Treasury Account Symbol” is mandatory to ‘approve’ or ‘correct’ of Version 1.3 and higher Version documents.
  • For Civilian documents with no dollars obligated, “Agency Identifier”, “Main Account” portions of “Treasury Account Symbol” is optional.
  • For Civilian documents regardless of the dollars obligated, “Sub Account” portion of the “Treasury Account Symbol” is optional
  • The Civilian rules as above apply for NASA grant and cooperative agreement, and space act agreement documents. NASA Intergovernmental actions will not have the symbol available.
  • For DoD documents, regardless of the dollars obligated, “Agency Identifier”, “Main Account”, “Sub Account” portions of the “Treasury Account Symbol” are optional
  • The “Initiative” field is a read-only field on the screen and any value sent through Business Services will be ignored. Recovery actions will be identified based on the “Treasury Account Symbol” and the field will be populated with ‘American Recovery and Reinvestment Act'
  • Submitting Values for Treasury Account Symbol
    • Version 1.4: The value can be entered on the GUI fields available on the Web Portal/launching the GUI screen or through Business Services using the appropriate XML tags as defined in the Version 1.4 schema
    • Version 1.3: The value can be entered on the GUI fields by launching the GUI screen or through the Business Services under the “descriptionOfContractRequirement” XML tag in the format TAS::XX XXXX::TAS or TAS::XX XXXX XXX::TAS. When the Version 1.3 screen is launched, all TAS codes submitted will display in the “Treasury Account Symbol” GUI element
  • “Treasury Account Symbol” will be added to Award Detail of all Standard reports. It will be available on ezSearch, ICD, Adhoc\ BI views, and all search features.
  • “Initiative” will be added to the Adhoc attribute listing
  • Click here for Validation Rules
  • Use cases changes are listed in the Data Dictionary
  • Appropriate changes will be made to the User manual, Data Dictionary, Validation rules and Other documentation as necessary
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
GUI InterfaceNew fields will be added to the Version 1.3, Version 1.4 screens
Business ServicesTreasury Account Symbol will be required for Civilian agencies
Reports and Report ServicesTreasury Account Symbol will be added to the “Award Detail” of Standard Report. Treasury Account Symbol and Initiative will be available as attribute in Adhoc.
Data DisseminationXML archives for Version 1.4 will contain the Treasury Account Symbol.

BPA, BOA, BPA Call for DoD

  • BPA, BOA and BPA Call modules will be available for DoD users starting Version 1.4
  • The existing Award privileges will apply for a BPA Call and IDV privileges will apply for BPA and BOA
  • BPA/BPA Call for DoD
    • DoD users will be able to enter a BPA as a Part 8 that references an FSS and a Part 13 BPA that is a stand alone BPA with the 9th character of the PIID as ‘A’.
    • Starting Version 1.4, DoD users will not be able to create an IDC document type with the 9th character of the PIID as ‘A’
    • Starting Version 1.4, FPDS-NG will ensure DoD users use the BPA Call form and not the Delivery Order form to place orders against Civilian BPA/Version 1.4 DoD BPA.
    • DoD users can continue to place Delivery Orders against existing IDC’s with 9th character as ‘A’
    • DoD BPA Calls will have a provision to provide transaction number
    • Obligation amount for a DoD BPA can only be $0
  • BOA for DoD
    • DoD users will be able to create BOA document types starting Version 1.4 with the 9th character of the PIID as ‘G’
    • Starting Version 1.4, DoD users will not be able to create an IDC document type with the 9th character of the PIID as ‘G’
    • DoD users will continue to be able to create Delivery Orders referencing Version 1.4 BOA/Prior version IDC with 9th character as ‘G’
    • Obligation amount for a DoD BOA can only be $0
  • DoD and Civilians
    • “Multiple or Single Award IDV” will be required on a Version 1.4 BOA for Civilian and DoD
    • When a Delivery Order is referencing a Multiple Award BOA, the “Solicitation Procedures” on the Delivery Order will be open for user’s selection
    • On a BPA Call referencing Part 13 BPA and a Delivery Order referencing BOA, for both DoD and Civilian
      • “Extent Competed” can only be ‘Competed Under SAP’ or ‘Not Competed Under SAP’
      • “Solicitation Procedures” can only be ‘Simplified Acquisition’
  • The new documents will be available via the following applications:
    • ezSearch
    • ICD
    • BI Views
    • Adhoc reports
    • Advanced Search
  • Click here for Validation Rules
  • Use cases changes are listed in the Data Dictionary
  • Appropriate changes will be made to the User manual, Data Dictionary, Validation rules and Other documentation as necessary
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
GUI InterfaceNew forms available for DoD
Business ServicesNew forms available for DoD
Reports and Report ServicesNew document types will be available for DoD in the reports
Data DisseminationVersion 1.4 data archives will contain the new DoD document types

Other Transactions for DoD and DHS

  • DoD and DHS will be able to report “Other Transactions” to FPDS-NG starting Version 1.4
  • There will be three forms available on the FPDS-NG Home Page only to DHS and DoD
    • Other Transaction Agreement (under the Award section)
    • Other Transaction Order (under the Award section)
    • Other Transaction IDV (under the IDV section)
  • Other Transaction Orders can only reference approved Other Transaction IDVs
  • These forms will be available for the below personnel by default and they can be distributed further
    • DHS Agency System Administrators
    • DoD Department Administrators
  • These forms can be accessed via Business Services, GUI services or the Web Portal
  • The fields available on the forms and their behavior for DHS and DoD are listed in the Excel Spreadsheet below Other Transaction Fields Requirement
  • Transaction number field will not be available for this type of document
  • Contracting Office and Contracting Agency on this type of documents can only belong to DHS or DoD
    • New “Reason for Modification” value ‘Termination for Cause’ will be added to all document types
    • Existing “Reason for Modification” value ‘Terminate for Default (complete or partial)’ will not be available for Other Transactions
  • The only “Extent Competed” values that will be available for this type of documents are ‘Competed’ and ‘Not Competed’
  • The only “Solicitation Procedures” values that will be available for this type of documents are ‘Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)’, ‘Program Solicitation’ and ‘Only One Source’
  • The drop-down for data element “Nontraditional Government Contractor Participation” will display the values ‘Nontraditional Significant Participation’, ‘Cost Sharing’ and ‘Determination of Exceptional Circumstances’
  • The ‘Other Transaction Agreement’, ‘Other Transaction Order’ and ‘Other Transaction IDV’ will be available via the following applications:
    • ezSearch
    • ICD
    • BI Views
    • Adhoc reports
    • Advanced Search
  • The ‘Other Transaction Agreement’, ‘Other Transaction Order’ and ‘Other Transaction IDV’ will not be available in the Standard reports.
  • Version 1.4 XML extracts, archives and specifications will contain ‘Other Transaction’ data.
  • A new Sys Admin Standard report similar to ‘Federal Contract Actions and Dollars’ will be available to display only ‘Other Transaction’ documents.
  • No CBT additions will be done for these documents. DHS and DoD will have User Manuals available for the respective users.
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
GUI InterfaceNew forms will be available for DHS and DoD
Business ServicesNew forms will be available for DHS and DoD
Reports and Report ServicesNew Sys admin Report will be available
Data DisseminationVersion 1.4 XML archives will contain ‘Other Transactions’

Unify DoD and Civilian

  • Use Cases: The Unification Requirement document shows each data element as it is currently and also how each will be when the unification project is implemented.
  • Validation Rules: The Validation Rules document lists the new rules and changes to the existing rules
  • Unification Validation Rules
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
GUI InterfaceNew use cases and validation rules apply
Business ServicesNew use cases and validation rules apply
Reports and Report ServicesNo Impact
Data DisseminationNo Impact

New Validation Rules/Validation Rules Impacted

ModuleDescription of changes
Treasury Account Symbol Error message 6M01 will no longer fire through Version 1.3 GUI Services and the rule will not fire for all Version 1.4 services.

6M01:Treasury Account Symbol should be of format TAS::XX XXXX::TAS or TAS::XX XXXX XXX::TAS and should not contain special characters.

Treasury Account Symbol Warning message 6M01WARN will no longer fire through Business services

6M01WARN:Treasury Account Symbol should be of format TAS::XX XXXX::TAS or TAS::XX XXXX XXX::TAS and should not contain special characters.

Treasury Account Symbol The following new validation messages will fire for Version 1.4 documents and for Version 1.3 documents when accessed from the Web Portal/GUI service

6M02 (Civilian Only):"Agency Identifier" and "Main Account Code" are required when "Action Obligation" is either greater than zero or less than zero.

6M04: "Agency Identifier", "Main Account Code" and "Sub Account Code" must only have alpha numeric values

6M05: "Agency Identifier" must be two characters in length.

6M06: "Main Account Code" must be four characters in length.

6M07: "Sub Account Code" must be three characters in length.

Treasury Account Symbol The following new validation messages will fire for Version 1.0, Version 1.1, Version 1.2 documents and for Version 1.3 documents when accessed from the Business Services

6M02A (Civilian Only): "Treasury Account Symbol" is mandatory. Please provide a value for the "Treasury Account Symbol" in the "Description of Requirements"

6M04A: "Treasury Account Symbol" can not contain special characters.

BPA, BOA, BPA Call for DoD Unification Validation Rules
Other Transactions (for DHS and DoD agencies only) Other Transactions Validation Rules
Unify Civilian and DoD Unification Validation Rules