V1.4 SP 25.0


Revision as of 16:01, 25 July 2014 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)


DescriptionStart Date End Date
BETA Installation Friday August 15, 2014Monday August 18, 2014
Functional Qualification Testing Tuesday August 19, 2014Thursday August 21, 2014
Installation in ProductionFriday August 29, 2014Friday August 29, 2014

Document Changes

DocumentationChanges Required
XML SpecificationsNo
Web ServicesNo
Data DictionaryNo
NASA Specific Data DictionaryNo
Use Case SummaryNo
Validation RulesYes
Atom FeedsNo
Online HelpNo
Computer-Based TrainingNo
User ManualNo

SPR Listing

SPR #Enhancement/ProblemSolutionImpact to Users and Integrators
Small Business Goaling Report The Goaling exclusions have been updated. Remove the following Exclusions:

Contracts funded predominately with agency generated sources. Accordingly, the following Federal Government agencies are excluded effective October 1, 2013:

  • Bureau Of Engraving And Printing, 2041
  • Office Of The Comptroller Of The Currency, 2046
  • Office Of Thrift Supervision, 2047
  • Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency, 9594
  • Overseas Private Investment Corporation, 7100

Product Service codes for Leases in the format X*** are excluded effective October 1, 2013.

Add to Exclusions: Effective October 1, 2013 Department of Education’s Not-for-Profit Loan Servicing (NFP) contracts. Plus, any award should be excluded if it references a contract number listed below: EDFSA11D0012, EDFSA12D0003, EDFSA12D0005, EDFSA12D0006 EDFSA12D0007, EDFSA12D0012, EDFSA13D0001

Effective October 1, 2013 FPDS-NG shall add 11 DUNS Numbers to the list of excluded UNICOR/ Federal Prison Industries vendors in the Small Business Goaling Report and Small Business Achievements by Awarding Organization Report: 806788407, 118575729, 196069173, 198353984, 878435213, 139397371, 621502173, 801972068, 170419167, 782184956, and 139611631.

Small Business Achievements Report The Goaling exclusions have been updated. Remove the following Exclusions:

Contracts funded predominately with agency generated sources. Accordingly, the following Federal Government agencies are excluded effective October 1, 2013:

  • Bureau Of Engraving And Printing, 2041
  • Office Of The Comptroller Of The Currency, 2046
  • Office Of Thrift Supervision, 2047
  • Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency, 9594
  • Overseas Private Investment Corporation, 7100

Product Service codes for Leases in the format X*** are excluded effective October 1, 2013.

Add to Exclusions: Effective October 1, 2013 Department of Education’s Not-for-Profit Loan Servicing (NFP) contracts. Plus, any award should be excluded if it references a contract number listed below: EDFSA11D0012, EDFSA12D0003, EDFSA12D0005, EDFSA12D0006 EDFSA12D0007, EDFSA12D0012, EDFSA13D0001

Effective October 1, 2013 FPDS-NG shall add 11 DUNS Numbers to the list of excluded UNICOR/ Federal Prison Industries vendors in the Small Business Goaling Report and Small Business Achievements by Awarding Organization Report: 806788407, 118575729, 196069173, 198353984, 878435213, 139397371, 621502173, 801972068, 170419167, 782184956 and 139611631

FPDSNG-9746 (UNICOR DUNS Number) The user has reported that the DUNS Number, 806788407, with vendor name “Federal Prison Industries, Inc.” is not classified as a UNICOR/Federal Prison Industries vendor in FPDS-NG.

A user has reported the following error has fired on a DCA (9700-W56HZV12F0040, Modification 0, Transaction Number 1):

10N31 - If "Type of Set Aside" is 'Small Business Set Aside-Total' or 'Small Business Set Aside-Partial' and the vendor is not UNICOR / Federal Prison Industries, then "Contracting Officer's Business Size Determination" must be 'Small Business'.

There are an additional ten DUNS Numbers which are also UNICOR/Federal Prison Industries that are not classified as such in FPDS-NG: 118575729, 196069173, 198353984, 878435213, 139397371, 621502173, 801972068, 170419167, 782184956 and 139611631.  

FPDS-NG shall classify 11 DUNS Numbers as UNICOR/Federal Prison Industries for the purpose of Business Validation Rules on Awards & IDVs: 806788407, 118575729, 196069173, 198353984, 878435213, 139397371, 621502173, 801972068, 170419167, 782184956, and 139611631

FPDS-NG shall add 11 DUNS Numbers to the list of excluded UNICOR/ Federal Prison Industries vendors in the Small Business Goaling Report and Small Business Achievements by Awarding Organization Report: 806788407, 118575729, 196069173, 198353984, 878435213, 139397371, 621502173, 801972068, 170419167, 782184956, and 139611631

FPDSNG-11333 (Program, Service, Equipment Codes and Claimant Program Codes) Two software issues exist which prevent privileged DoD users from updating Program, Service, Equipment Codes (PSE) and Claimant Program Codes in FPDS-NG.

1.A DoD user is unable to update a “Program, System or Equipment Code” (PSE) due to the following error, even though the input provided by the user is valid. “The last transaction could not be completed successfully. 1.Invalid column type”

2.A DoD user is unable to update a “Claimant Program Code” due to the following error, even though the input provided by the user is valid. “The last transaction could not be completed successfully.”

FPDS-NG shall permit privileged DoD administrators to update PSE Codes without firing the error,

The last transaction could not be completed successfully. 1.Invalid column type,

when valid input is provided by the user.

FPDS-NG shall permit privileged DoD administrators users to update Claimant Program Codes without firing the error, “The last transaction could not be completed successfully.”, when valid input is provided by the user.

FPDSNG-12093(Ad Hoc Report "Approved By" and "Approved Date" Attributes) "Approved By" and "Approved Date" are not available for user's to select as attributes in the list of transaction information in the FPDS-NG Ad Hoc reports. "Approved By" and "Approved Date" shall be added to the Ad Hoc reports attribute list of transaction information. Yes