V1.4 SP 19.0


Revision as of 07:39, 14 February 2013 by Beta (talk | contribs)


DescriptionStart Date End Date
BETA Installation Friday March 15, 2013Friday March 15, 2013
Functional Qualification Testing Monday March 18, 2013Friday March 22, 2013
Installation in ProductionFriday March 29, 2013Friday March 29, 2013

Document Changes

DocumentationChanges Required
XML SpecificationsNo
Web ServicesNo
Data Dictionary No
NASA Specific Data DictionaryNo
Use Case SummaryNo
Validation RulesNo
Online HelpNo
Computer-Based TrainingNo
User ManualNo

SPR Listing

SPR #Enhancement/ProblemSolutionImpact to Users and Integrators
FPDSHD-72999 Civilian and DoD user's can successfully create modifications to contracts when the base belongs to another agency without a Transfer Action. In Progress No
FPDSHD-113057 Users cannot correct the New Base after a Transfer Action if there are existing mods after it. In Progress No
FPDSHD-113670 The user is reporting data accuracy issue when correcting base contracts that have re-rep mods. In progress No
FPDSPMOS-134 Changes to the "Small Business Goaling Report", "Small Business Achievements by Awarding Organization Report" and "Small Business Dashboard". Following are the requirements:

1. The “Small Business Goaling Report” and the “Small Business Achievements by Awarding Organization Report” shall be changed for the following:

a. The “8(a) Procedures” Actions, Dollars and the Percentage columns shall be updated with the “Contracting Officer’s Determination of Business Size” as ‘Small Business’ condition.

b. For the Goaling condition - “Contracts performed outside of the United States shall be excluded”, the report logic shall be updated to include all the US territories.

2. The “Small Business Dashboard” shall be changed for the following: For the Goaling condition - “Contracts performed outside of the United States shall be excluded”, the logic shall be updated to include all the US territories.

3. Appendix for the “Small Business Goaling Report” and the “Small Business Achievements by Awarding Organization Report” shall be updated accordingly.

4. Appendix for the published “Small Business Goaling Reports” for FY ’11, ’10 and ’09 shall be updated with the correct UNICOR DUNS listing, to match with the Standard “Small Business Goaling Report".

FPDSHD-82415 The SAM Exception value cannot be removed when trying to process a "Vendor DUNS Change" modification. The following resolution applies:

1. On the ‘Vendor DUNS Change’ mod for operations ‘Create’ and ‘Update’: FPDS-NG shall allow the user to remove the SAM Exception that is propagated from the base, if the new DUNS is not a SAM exception DUNS. FPDS-NG shall not error the modification.

2. On the ‘Vendor DUNS Change’ mod for operations ‘Create’ and ‘Update’: FPDS-NG shall allow the user to retain the SAM Exception that is propagated from the base, if the new DUNS is a SAM exception DUNS. FPDS-NG shall not error the modification.

3. On the ‘Vendor DUNS Change’ mod for operations ‘Create’ and ‘Update’: FPDS-NG shall allow the user to change the SAM Exception that is propagated from the base, if the new DUNS is a SAM exception DUNS. FPDS-NG shall not error the modification.

4. Requirements 1 through 3 shall apply to the following V 1.4 documents:

    Purchase Order – both civilian and DoD
    Definitive Contract – both civilian and DoD
    FSS – only civilian
    GWAC – only civilian
    BOA – both civilian and DoD
    Part 13 BPA – both civilian and DoD
    IDC – both civilian and DoD

5. Requirements 1 through 3 shall not apply to the following V 1.4 documents:

a. NASA Specific Awards – except for “Novation”, other vendor change mods do not apply

b. Other Transaction documents – SAM Exception does not apply

6. On the ‘Vendor DUNS Change’ mod for the operation ‘Correct’: FPDS-NG shall allow the user to remove the SAM Exception that is propagated from the base, if the new DUNS is not a SAM exception DUNS. The vendor data of the new DUNS shall be propagated. FPDS-NG shall not error the modification.

7. On the ‘Vendor DUNS Change’ mod for the operation ‘Correct’: FPDS-NG shall allow the user to remove the SAM Exception that is propagated from the base, if the new DUNS is not a SAM exception DUNS. The vendor data of the new DUNS shall be propagated.

8. On the ‘Vendor DUNS Change’ mod for the operation ‘Correct’: FPDS-NG shall allow the user to retain the SAM Exception that is propagated from the base, if the new DUNS is a SAM exception DUNS. The vendor data of the new DUNS shall be propagated.

9. Requirements 7 through 9 shall apply to the following documents:

    Purchase Order – both civilian and DoD
    Definitive Contract – both civilian and DoD
    FSS – only civilian  
    GWAC – only civilian
    BOA – both civilian and DoD
    Part 13 BPA – both civilian and DoD
    IDC – both civilian and DoD

10. Requirements 7 through 9 shall not apply to the following documents:

a. NASA Specific Awards – except for “Novation”, other vendor change mods do not apply b. Other Transaction documents – SAM Exception does not apply

The current behavior with Novation, Rerepresentation, Rerepresentation of non-Novated Merger/Acquisition, and Vendor Address Change shall continue as is.

FPDSHD-77600 The Contracting Office Report is only displaying the first line of the address. The Contracting Office Report shall display the complete address for the office. No