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Revision as of 18:00, 13 September 2022


DescriptionStart Date End Date
Beta DeploymentOctober 3, 2022October 3, 2022
Government Acceptance Testing October 10, 2022October 12, 2022
Production Deployment October 29, 2022October 29, 2022

Document Changes

DocumentationChanges Required
XML SpecificationsYes
Web ServicesYes
Data DictionaryYes
NASA Specific Data DictionaryNo
Use Case SummaryYes
Validation RulesYes
Atom FeedsYes
Online HelpYes
User ManualYes

SPR Listing

SPR #Enhancement/ProblemSolutionImpact to Users and Integrators

IAEDEV-70118 / IAEDEV-70272

Implementation of FPDS V1.5.3 Atom Feeds / Decommission of FPDS V1.5.2 Atom Feeds The Consortia Flag and Primary Consortia UEI were added to Other Transaction contracts in FPDS V1.5 Service Pack 14.

These two data elements are being captured with <genericString04> and <genericString05> respectively in Business Services and Atom Feed XML. The Name and Address values associated with the Primary Consortia UEI are currently being displayed on the FPDS website for OT records, but those values are not being disseminated to Atom Feed. As part of FPDS V1.5 Service Pack 15, the Primary Consortia UEI Name and address values will be added to Atom Feeds in new V1.5.3 Public (Civilian) and DoD Authenticated Atom Feeds.

As part of the above implementation, the V1.5.2 of the Public (Civilian) and DoD Atom Feeds shall be decommissioned 6 months after the FPDS V1.5 SP15 Production deployment date (10/29/2022). Both Public (Civilian) and DoD Authenticated Atom Feeds shall be decommissioned After the decommissioning task listed above, the ONLY active version of the Public and DoD FPDS Atom feeds will be FPDS V1.5.3.


IAEENH-1118 / IAEDEV-66867

Other Transaction Orders and referenced Other Transaction IDVs can be created with the same PIID Currently, there are no validation rules which prevent Other Transaction Orders and Other Transaction IDVs from being created with the same PIID. The logic for 2 existing (and verbiage for one of these) OT PIID validation rules will be updated to include this check. This will ensure the same PIID cannot be used across all OT Types (OT IDV, OT Agreement, and OT Order).
  • Logic for rule ‘OTPIID1A06:A’ will be updated to include a PIID uniqueness check between OT Order and OT IDV. Message shall be updated to "The PIID must be unique when Award is of type Other Transaction Agreement or Other Transaction Order".
  • Logic for rule ‘OTPIID1A08:I’ will be updated so the OT IDV PIID will be checked for uniqueness against both OT Agreements and OT Orders. There will be no change to the message and will continue to show as: "The Other Transaction IDV PIID must be unique. Please enter a unique PIID and resave your document."


‘Information Technology Commercial Category’ value is removed on the Correct/Save action When an FPDS Award Modification record (containing an ‘Information Technology Commercial Category’ value) is corrected and saved, without making any changes, the data element value is removed from the record.

This defect will be resolved so the value is not removed in this scenario.


IAEENH-1120 / IAEDEV-69894 / IAEDEV-70230

Remove Business Types Data Entry Option for FAR 4.1102 (FPDS) and 2 CFR Part 25 (FAADC) Exceptions This enhancement will prevent user entry of FAR 4.1102 Exception Business Types in FPDS and 2 CFR Part 25 Exception Business Types in FAADC.

When a FAR 4.1102/2 CFR Part 25 Exception value is selected, and the Date Signed (or Action Date for FAADC) is on or after 10/29/2022, then the Business Type fields must not be selected. The proposed validation rules are as follows:

  • FPDS (Message code: 1301): When a “FAR 4.1102 Exception” value is selected and “Date Signed” is on or after 10/29/2022, then Business Category and/or Business Type values must be blank.
  • FAADC (Message code: FAADC:1101): When a “2 CFR Part 25 Exception” value is ‘Foreign’ and “Action Date” is on or after 10/29/2022, then SAM Business Category values must be blank.

Awardees are encouraged to register in SAM to collect this information accurately.


IAEREQ-4902 / IAEDEV-68551

Mandatory DUNS rule firing on V1.2 FPDS record The FPDS system will be updated to resolve a defect where the mandatory DUNS rule is firing on a V1.2 record when dollar amount fields are corrected. No

IAEENH-1106 / IAEDEV-69075

FABS Broker Processing Issue The FAADC Module logic will be updated to resolve a defect due to the FABS Broker validation logic requiring the ‘Legal Entity Congressional District’ value be provided when the full 9-digit Legal Entity ZIP is not provided. FAADC Module logic will be updated to provide this data element value for all records. No

IAEENH-1107 / IAEDEV-69718

Stop collecting "DoD Claimant Code" (Data Element 8F) The FPDS system will be updated to prevent data entry for the ‘DoD Claimant Code’ data element. This data element is no longer mandated for use in FPDS. Yes

IAEENH-1108 / IAEDEV-69716

Stop collecting "A-76 FAIR Action" (Data Element 10L) The FPDS system will be updated to prevent data entry for the ‘A-76 FAIR Action’ data element. This data element is no longer mandated for use in FPDS. Yes


When creating a Vendor Modification against an IDV, the 'Cost or Pricing Data' data element is open and editable by the user, with a requirement state of OPTIONAL For IDV Vendor Modifications, ‘Cost or Pricing Data’ is an optional data element. When Delivery Orders are referencing this Vendor Modification, then the ‘Cost or Pricing Data’ value is propagating as ‘null’. ‘Cost or Pricing Data’ should propagate from the base on IDV Vendor Modifications to be consistent with non-vendor Modifications.

The requirement state will be corrected to propagate on IDV Vendor Modifications including:

  • Novation Agreement
  • Rerepresentation of Non-Novated Merger/Acquisition
  • Rerepresentation
  • Unique Entity ID or Legal Business Name Change - Non-Novation
  • Entity Address Change


User IDs with only OT privileges does not give contract access on the Web Portal The FPDS application will be updated to recognize the “Other Transaction” role as a contracting privilege and allow user access to create OTs on the Web Portal. Yes


Update eSRS web services to return the novated UEI value when there is a Novation Agreement for the contract The AwardSummary and IDVSummary Get requests (eSRS only) will be updated to include <genericString03> in the response to capture the novated UEI value. No


Incorrect UEI validation on new Modifications for old contracts When creating a new Modification record to a contract whose base is old with an invalid UEI, FPDS incorrectly validates the UEI from a Base record and displays an error on the Modification record stating that the UEI is invalid.

This defect will be resolved to ensure the Modification record’s UEI is not incorrectly validated based on the Base record’s UEI.



Validation rule 10H03 is firing on Orders and Calls Validation rule 10H03 currently fires on Delivery Orders and BPA Calls when the ‘Commercial Products and Services Acquisition Procedures’ value is ‘Services pursuant to FAR 12.102(g)’. This is inaccurate behavior, and the validation rule should not fire for these record types.

The validation rule logic shall be updated to ensure that it does not fire on Delivery Order and BPA Calls.


IAEENH-1122 / IAEDEV-70068

POLICY - FPDS - Add data value to the Commercial Acquisition Procedures data element Section 803 of the FY22 NDAA allows DoD to consider items purchased using Commercial Service Offerings to be considered as commercial products / commercial services, even if they would not otherwise be.

The FPDS system will be updated to add a new value under ‘Commercial Products and Services Acquisition Procedures’ called “DoD - Section 803 CSO Procedures.”



Propagation issue with Domestic or Foreign Entity The FPDS propagation logic will be updated so that when ‘Domestic or Foreign Entity’ is changed with a correction to a base IDV, then any Awards referencing a modification for that IDV (excluding Novation) will also be updated with the corrected value for ‘Domestic or Foreign Entity.’ No


IDV Novation Mod Correction Issue with UEI When an IDV modification has a Reason for Modification that changes the UEI value - then a correction to that modification causes the UEI and associated entity information to be incorrectly updated with values from the Base (Modification No. = 0) IDV.

The FPDS system will be updated so that when an IDV modification has a Reason for Modification that changes the UEI value - then a correction to that modification will retain the existing UEI value or the new UEI value entered by the user. The modification will not be updated with the UEI value from the Base (Modification No. = 0).
