Difference between revisions of "V1.4 SP9.0"


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*There are no validation rules to restrict the date values on Correction of the Referenced IDVs which result in following discrepancies:
*There are no validation rules to restrict the date values on Correction of the Referenced IDVs which result in following discrepancies:
<ul><li>Date Signed” on the referenced IDV later than “Date Signed” of the Delivery Order/ BPA Call/BPA
**Date Signed” on the referenced IDV later than “Date Signed” of the Delivery Order/ BPA Call/BPA
</li><li>“Effective Date” on the Delivery Order/ BPA Call/BPA earlier than “Date Signed” on the referenced IDV
**“Effective Date” on the Delivery Order/ BPA Call/BPA earlier than “Date Signed” on the referenced IDV
</li><li>“Current Completion Date” on the Delivery Order/ BPA Call/BPA earlier than “Date Signed” on the referenced IDV  
**Current Completion Date” on the Delivery Order/ BPA Call/BPA earlier than “Date Signed” on the referenced IDV  
*There are no validation rules to restrict the date values on base documents with respect to their modifications which result in following discrepancies:
<li>There are no validation rules to restrict the date values on base documents with respect to their modifications which result in following discrepancies:
**Date Signed” on the base later than “Date Signed” of the modification
<ul><li>Date Signed” on the base later than “Date Signed” of the modification
**Effective Date” on the modification earlier than “Date Signed” of the base
</li><li>Effective Date” on the modification earlier than “Date Signed” of the base
**Current Completion Date” on the modification earlier than “Date Signed” of the base
</li><li>Current Completion Date” on the modification earlier than “Date Signed” of the base
*Some of the rules that fire on the Modifications or the Referencing Awards were implemented in all Versions for DoD but only in Version 1.4 for Civilian agencies.
<li>Some of the rules that fire on the Modifications or the Referencing Awards were implemented in all Versions for DoD but only in Version 1.4 for Civilian agencies.
<td valign="top"><b>--DATE SIGNED--</b>
<td valign="top"><b>--DATE SIGNED--</b>

Revision as of 19:33, 14 January 2011


DescriptionStart Date End Date
BETA Installation Monday Jan 24, 2010Monday Jan 24, 2010
Functional Qualification TestingTuesday Jan 25, 2010Thursday Jan 27, 2010
Installation in ProductionFriday Feb 04, 2010Friday Feb 04, 2010

Document Changes

DocumentationChanges Required
XML SpecificationsNo
Web ServicesNo
Data Dictionary No
NASA Specific Data DictionaryNo
Use Case SummaryNo
Validation RulesYes
Online HelpNo
Computer-Based TrainingNo
Report ManualNo

SPR Listing

SPR #ProblemSolutionImpact to Users and Integrators
FPDSPMOS-46 Currently ATOM feeds display the dollar values for the particular contract. GSA has requested an enhancement to the ATOM feeds so that it displays the total dollar values for the base and all the modifications of the contract. The dollar fields are:

1.Action Obligation
2.Base And Exercised Options Value
3.Base And All Options Value

  • FPDS-NG shall enhance the ATOM Feeds to display the following data elements in addition to the existing fields for base and modification contracts:

    Awards - totalObligatedAmount, totalBaseAndExercisedOptionsValue and totalBaseAndAllOptionsvalue.

    IDVs – totalObligatedAmount and totalBaseAndAllOptionsvalue

    Other Transactions - totalObligatedAmount, totalBaseAndExercisedOptionsValue, totalBaseAndAllOptionsvalue and totalnonGovernmentalDollars

  • For Civilian User accessing a DoD document through any feed, the total dollar values will not include the dollar values from DoD contracts in the last 90 days. i.e. Users will be not be able to see unrevealed contracts and the dollar amounts on those contracts will not be included the sum.
  • The above changes apply to all feed requests for all ATOM Feeds mentioned below and shall be grouped by Agency Code and PIID:- Public Feed, Detail Feed, DoD Feed and eSRS Feed. Note: Dollar amount on contracts with same Agency Code and PIID but different Transaction Number will be included to this sum.
  • All the changes mentioned above shall be as a part of a new version and the Atom Feed specifications for the new version shall be posted on the website.
  • Feeds available form the web portal will point to the new version. Current integrators will be able to access both versions using different URLs.
FPDSPMOS-53 Small Business Administration (SBA) has decided to stop the Small Business Competition Derivation Program (SBCD) after January 30th 2011.
  • FPDS-NG shall not derive the value for SBCD Program on contracts if the “Date Signed” on the contract is after January 30th 2011.

  • FPDS-NG shall derive the value for SBCD Program on contracts if the “Date Signed” on the contract is prior to or equal to January 30th 2011.
  • The search screen for SBCD report shall be modified to ensure that the dates and Fiscal Year will not continue to be available after FY 2011 and the following note shall be displayed on the search screen. NOTE: The entire FY 2011 can be selected on the Search Screen. However, no records will be displayed after January 31, 2011
  • FPDS-NG shall not include the contracts that have a “Date Signed” later than January 30th 2011 in the SBCD Report.
  • FPDS-NG shall blank the values for SBCD program on contracts entered between Jan 31st 2011 and SP 9.0 Implementation date.
FPDSHD-73821/FPDSHD-77104 When the value of “Consolidated Contract” is ‘Yes’ on the IDV, the value propagates to the orders. The below validation rule fires on the Orders even when the value ‘Yes’ is being propagated:

If Base and All Options Value is less than or equal to $5,500,000, then Consolidated Contract must be "No"

  • Base Delivery/Task Orders in Version 1.4 and 1.3, and base BPA calls in Version 1.4 will continue to propagate the value ‘Yes’ from the Referenced IDV, but shall not display the following Validation Rule:

    If Base and All Options Value is less than or equal to <threshold>, then Consolidated Contract must be "No".

  • Base BPA Calls in Version 1.3 will continue to propagate the value ‘Yes’ from the Referenced IDV, but shall continue not to display the following Validation Rule: If Base and All Options Value is less than or equal to <threshold>, then Consolidated Contract must be "No".
  • When “Consolidated Contract” is ‘No’ in the Referenced IDV, the existing behavior will be maintained.
  • All above requirements apply to GUI Services, Web Portal and Business Services. They are not applicable for NASA Specific documents.
FPDSPMOS-62 The following Validation Rule fires on a Delivery/Task Orders (DO/TO) even when “Evaluated Preference” is propagated from the IDV and the user is not permitted to change the value. DOD10P01 – "If Base and All Options Value is less than <uthreshold>, then Evaluated Preference must be 'No Preference Used'."
  • FPDS-NG will not display the following Validation Rule on Awards when the value for “Evaluated Preference” is propagated. i.e. The following Validation Rule shall be displayed only on DO/TO Referencing a BOA, a Part 13 BPA Call, PO and a DCA.

    DOD10P01 – "If Base and All Options Value is less than <uthreshold>, then Evaluated Preference must be 'No Preference Used'."

  • All above changes apply to ‘isComplete’, ‘isExistingAwardComplete’, ‘approve’ and ‘correct’ operations through Business Services and ‘Validate’, ‘Approve’ and ‘Correct’ operations through Web Portal and GUI Services.
  • The above changes will apply only to Version 1.4.
FPDSHD-77484 Post CLOD Validation Rule DOD10C02 is firing on all NASA specific awards, except for the Intragovernmental Award. It fires when the “Extent Competed” is one of the non competitive values.

"If "Solicitation Procedures" is 'Architect Engineer', 'Basic Research', 'Subject to Multiple Award Fair Opportunity' or 'Alternate Sources' then "Other than Full and Open Competition" must be blank".
  • For V 1.4 and V 1.3 post CLOD documents, post CLOD DOD10C02 shall not display: when "Extent Competed" = 'Not Competed', 'Not Available for Competition' or 'Not Competed under SAP' and then "Solicitation Procedures" = 'Basic Research', 'Alternative Sources', 'Subject to Multiple Award Fair Opportunity' or 'Architect-Engineer'
  • For V 1.3 pre CLOD documents, pre CLOD DOD10C02 shall continue to not display.
  • All above changes apply to Version 1.3 an Post-Clod and Version 1.4.
  • The above change shall apply to the operations 'Validate', 'Approve' and 'Correct' through GUI Services and Web portal , operations 'isComplete', 'isExistingAwardComplete', 'approve' and 'correct' through Business Services.
  • All above changes apply to Version 1.3 an Post-Clod and Version 1.4.

Note: Post-Clod is contracts with “Date Signed” equal to or later than 10/31/2009.

Pre-Clod is contracts with “Date Signed” prior to 10/31/2009.

Post CLOD DOD10C02: If "Solicitation Procedures" is 'Architect Engineer', 'Basic Research', 'Subject to Multiple Award Fair Opportunity' or 'Alternate Sources' then "Other than Full and Open Competition" must be blank.

Pre CLOD DOD10C02: If "Solicitation Procedures" is 'Architect Engineer', 'Basic Research', 'Multiple Award Fair Opportunity' or 'Alternate Sources' then "Other than Full and Open Competition" must be blank.

FPDSHD-79111 On a Version 1.3 and 1.2 Post-Clod DO referencing BOA, the requirement state for “Number of offers” is ‘Required’ but the value provided by the user is not saved and the following error is displayed.

'10D01' - "The "Number of Offers Received" must be between 1 and 999." For a Version 1.3 and 1.2 Post-Clod DO referencing BOA, the requirement state for “Fair Opportunity” is ‘Not Required’ but the field opens up.

  • DO/TO referencing a BOA will require’ “Number of Offers” and shall display the Validation Rule ‘10D01’ if the value is not provided. However, if the valid value (between 1 and 999) is provided, Validation Rule ‘10D01’ shall not display.
    '10D01' - "The "Number of Offers Received" must be between 1 and 999."
  • Requirements 2. and 3. shall apply to the integrating points – Web Portal, Business Services and GUI Services, for the ‘Correct’ operation in Version 1.2 and 1.3 Post Clod
  • For DO referencing BOA, the data element “Statutory Exception to Fair Opportunity” will be grayed out and the mandatory validation rule shall not fire.
  • The V1.3 and 1.2 Data Dictionary shall be updated to reflect the “Requirement State” for “Number of Offers Received” on Post-Clod GWAC as ‘Required’.

Note: Post-Clod is contracts with “Date Signed” equal to or later than 10/31/2009.

  • There are no validation rules to restrict the date values on Correction of the Referenced IDVs which result in following discrepancies:
    • Date Signed” on the referenced IDV later than “Date Signed” of the Delivery Order/ BPA Call/BPA
    • “Effective Date” on the Delivery Order/ BPA Call/BPA earlier than “Date Signed” on the referenced IDV
    • Current Completion Date” on the Delivery Order/ BPA Call/BPA earlier than “Date Signed” on the referenced IDV
  • There are no validation rules to restrict the date values on base documents with respect to their modifications which result in following discrepancies:
    • Date Signed” on the base later than “Date Signed” of the modification
    • Effective Date” on the modification earlier than “Date Signed” of the base
    • Current Completion Date” on the modification earlier than “Date Signed” of the base
  • Some of the rules that fire on the Modifications or the Referencing Awards were implemented in all Versions for DoD but only in Version 1.4 for Civilian agencies.
  • FPDS-NG shall display the following Validation Rule on all referencing Awards (DO/TO and BPA Call) and a BPA referencing FSS, when the “Date Signed” on the Referencing Award (DO/TO and BPA Call) or the BPA is earlier than the “Date Signed” of the referenced IDV/FSS

On Version 1.3 and lower - DOD2A02 – ““Date Signed” on the Delivery/Task Order, BPA Call and BPA cannot be earlier than the “Date Signed” of the Referenced IDV.”

On Version 1.4 and later - DOD2A02A – ““Date Signed” on the Delivery Order, BPA Call and Part 8 BPA cannot be earlier than the “Date Signed” of the Referenced IDV.”

  • FPDS-NG shall display the new following new Validation Rule on all IDVs when the IDV is corrected such that the “Date Signed” on the Referenced IDV is later than the “Date Signed” of any one of its existing referencing Award (DO/TO, BPA Call) or referencing a BPA in final status:

"The “Date Signed” provided is later than the “Date Signed” on a finalized document referencing this IDV. Please provide a “Date Signed” earlier than the “Date Signed” of finalized referencing documents."

  • FPDS-NG shall display the following new Validation Rule on all base Awards and IDVs when the base is corrected such that the “Date Signed” on the base later than the “Date Signed” of an existing Modification in final status:

"The “Date Signed” provided is later than the “Date Signed” on its finalized Modification. Please provide a “Date Signed” earlier than the “Date Signed” of finalized Modifications."


  • FPDS-NG shall display the following Validation Rule on Modifications of Awards (PO, DCA, NASA Specific Awards, DO/TO and BPA Call) and IDVs (IDC, BOA, BPA, GWAC and FSS) when the “Effective Date” on the modification is earlier than the “Date Signed” of the base document.

DOD2B01 – ""Effective Date" on Modifications cannot be earlier than the Date Signed on the base document."

  • FPDS-NG shall display the following Validation Rule when the “Effective Date” on the Referencing Award (DO/TO and BPA Call) or the BPA is earlier than “Date Signed” that on the Referenced IDV.

""Effective Date” on the Delivery/Task Order, BPA Call or BPA cannot be earlier than the “Date Signed” on the Referenced IDV."

  • FPDS-NG shall display the following Validation Rule on a base IDV when it is corrected such that the “Date Signed” on the Referenced IDV is later than the “Effective Date” on any of the Referencing Awards (DO/TO and BPA Call) or BPA:

“The “Date Signed” provided is later than the “Effective Date” of a finalized document referencing this IDV. Please provide a “Date Signed” earlier than the “Effective Date” of referencing documents.”

  • FPDS-NG shall display the following Validation Rule when a base document is corrected such that the “Date Signed” on the base is later than the “Effective Date” on its Modification.

“The “Date Signed” provided is later than the “Effective Signed” of a final Modification. Please provide a “Date Signed” earlier than the “Effective Date” of finalized Modifications.”


  • FPDS-NG shall display the following Validation Rule on only Modifications of Awards (PO, DCA, NASA Specific Awards, DO/TO and BPA Call) and IDVs (IDC, BOA, BPA, GWAC and FSS) when the “Current Completion Date” on the Modification is earlier than the “Date Signed” of the base document.

DOD2C02 – “”Current Completion Date” on Modifications cannot be earlier than the “Date Signed” on the base document.”

  • FPDS-NG shall display the following Validation Rule on only base documents of Awards (PO, DCA, NASA Specific Awards, DO/TO and BPA Call) and IDVs (IDC, BOA, BPA, GWAC and FSS) when the “Current Completion Date” on the base is earlier than the “Date Signed” on the same base document.

DOD2C02 – “”Current Completion Date” on the base document cannot be earlier than its “Date Signed”.”

  • FPDS-NG shall display the following Validation Rule when the “Current Completion Date” on the Referencing Award (DO/TO and BPA Call) or the BPA is earlier than “Date Signed” on the Referenced IDV.

““Current Completion Date” on the Delivery/Task Order, BPA Call or BPA cannot be earlier than the “Date Signed” on the Referenced IDV.”

  • FPDS-NG shall display the following Validation Rule on a base IDV when it is corrected such that a “Date Signed” on the Referenced IDV is later than the “Current Completion Date” on the Referencing Award (DO/TO and BPA Call) or BPA.

“The “Date Signed” provided is later than the “Current Completion Date” of a finalized document referencing this IDV. Please provide a “Date Signed” earlier than the “Date Signed” of referencing documents.”

  • FPDS-NG shall display the following Validation Rule on a base document when it is corrected such that the “Date Signed” is later than the “Current Completion Date” on its Modification.

“The “Date Signed” provided is later than the “Current Completion Date” of a finalized Modification. Please provide a “Date Signed” earlier than the “Current Completion Date” of finalized Modifications.”


  • FPDS-NG shall display the following new Validation Rule on OT IDVs when the OT IDV is corrected such that the “Date Signed” on Referenced IDV later than the “Date Signed” of any one of its existing Referencing OT Orders in final status:

“The “Date Signed” provided is later than the “Date Signed” on a finalized OT Order referencing this IDV. Please provide a “Date Signed” earlier than the “Date Signed” of finalized Referencing Orders.”

  • FPDS-NG shall display the following new Validation Rule on all base OT Awards and IDVs when it is corrected such that the “Date Signed” on the base is later than “Date Signed” on an existing finalized Modification:

“The “Date Signed” provided is later than the “Date Signed” on its finalized Modification. Please provide a “Date Signed” earlier than the “Date Signed” of finalized Modifications.”


  • FPDS-NG shall display the following Validation Rule on base OT Awards and IDVs when they are corrected such that the “Date Signed” on the base is later than the “Effective Date” on any of its finalized Modification.

“The “Date Signed” provided is later than the “Effective Date” of its finalized Modification. Please provide a “Date Signed” earlier than the “Effective Date” of finalized Modifications.”


  • FPDS-NG shall display the following Validation Rule on base documents when they are corrected such that the “Date Signed” on the base is later than the “Current Completion Date” on its Modification.

“The “Date Signed” provided is later than the “Current Completion Date” of its finalized Modification. Please provide a “Date Signed” earlier than the “Current Completion Date” of finalized Modifications.”

  • All of the changes mentioned above shall apply to ‘Create’, ‘Validate’, ‘Approve’ and ‘Correct’ through the Web Portal and Business Services in Version 1.4 and 'Correct' in all versions. Other Transactions changes are only in Version 1.4.
  • All of the changes mentioned above shall apply to both Civilian and DoD agencies.Other Transactions changes are only for DoD and DHS agencies.
  • The Validation Rules document shall be updated to include all the changes.