Difference between revisions of "V1.4 SP 32.0"


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<td>SloveniSlovenia and Japan are not includes in the value ‘Mfg Outside U.S-Qualifying Country (DOD only)’, in the Buy American Act/Place of Manufacture Report.
<td>Slovenia and Japan are not included in the value ‘Mfg Outside U.S-Qualifying Country (DOD only)’, in the Buy American Act/Place of Manufacture Report.
<td>Slovenia and Japan will be added to the DoD Qualifying Countries in the Buy American Act/Place of Manufacture Report.  Below are the columns that will now include the Actions and Dollars for Slovenia and Japan. Below are the columns that the data for the two countries will be added:   
<td>Slovenia and Japan will be added to the DoD Qualifying Countries in the Buy American Act/Place of Manufacture Report.  Below are the columns that will now include the Actions and Dollars for Slovenia and Japan. Below are the columns that the data for the two countries will be added:   
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<td align="center">
<td style="width:95px" valign="center">RTC-30652
<td>Code (B) Humanitarian or peacekeeping operations as defined in 10 U.S.C 2302(8) is currently listed as an exclusion in the SBGR and the Small Business Achievements by the Awarding Agency Report.
<td>Code (B) Humanitarian or peacekeeping operations as defined in 10 U.S.C 2302(8) for the Data Element "Contingency, Humanitarian and Peacekeeping Operation" will be deleted as an Exclusion to the SBGR and the Small Business Achievements by the Awarding Agency Report.
The following note will be added to the appendix for each report.
NOTE: If the SBGR or the Small Business Achievements by the Awarding Agency Report, is run for FY 2015 the value B Humanitarian or peacekeeping operations as defined in 10 U.S.C 2302(8) will not be included in the reports.
Additionally the following statement will be added to the appendix for history purposes. Contracts performed outside of the United States: Awards performed outside of the US are designated when the country in the place of performance is NOT the United States. This data will no longer be excluded when the Date Signed is on or after October 1, 2015.
<td align="center">
<td style="width:95px" valign="center">IAESAM-265-RTC-19410
<td>To comply with FAR Case 2014-003, the Data Element “Subcontract Plan” will be open for certain values selected in the Data Element “Reason for Modification”.
<td>A new “Reason for Modification” entitled ‘Add Subcontracting Plan’ will be created in FPDS-NG.
The following validation rule will be added for the new ‘Add Subcontracting Plan’ for “Reason for Modification”
New Validation Rule:
11B10 - If "Reason for Modification" is 'Add Subcontracting Plan', then "Subcontract Plan" must be 'Individual Subcontract Plan', 'Commercial Subcontract Plan', or 'DOD Comprehensive Subcontract Plan'.
FPDS-NG shall open Data Element “Subcontract Plan” on Modifications when the Reason for Modification is one of the following:
• Novation Agreement<br>
• Rerepresentation of Non-Novated Merger/Acquisition<br>
• Rerepresentation<br>
• Add Subcontracting Plan
The value on these modifications can be changed but is not required to be changed.
The above will apply to the following types of actions.
• Purchase Order<br>
• DCA<br>
• FSS<br>
• GWAC<br>
• BOA<br>
• Part 13 BPA<br>
The following current validation rules will continue to fire:
11B01 - The Subcontracting Plan is not valid.<br>
11B04 - The "Subcontracting Plan" must be "Not Required" when the "Contractor Name/DUNS Number" represents a UNICOR vendor.<br>
11B07 - The "Subcontracting Plan" value cannot be "Plan Required (Pre 2004)" when "Signed Date" is after September 30th 2003.<br>
11B08 - The value 'DOD Comprehensive Subcontract Plan' for "Subcontracting Plan" may only be selected by DoD.
FPDS-NG shall not apply the following existing validation rule to Modifications:
11B02 - The "Subcontracting Plan" value must be "Not Required" when the "Contracting Officer's Business Size" is "Small."
The Subcontract Plan Report shall be updated as follows:
The Subcontracting Plan Report will now include Modifications having one of the following Reason for Modification values:
• Novation Agreement<br>
• Rerepresentation of Non-Novated Merger/Acquisition<br>
• Rerepresentation<br>
• Add Subcontracting Plan
The report shall continue to only include records which have a Subcontract Plan required:
• C - Plan Required - Incentive Not Included<br>
• D - Plan Required - Incentive Included<br>
• E - Plan Required (Pre 2004)<br>
• F - Individual Subcontract Plan<br>
• G - Commercial Subcontract Plan<br>
• H - DOD Comprehensive Subcontract Plan
The report shall not display any records having  no Subcontract Plan required.
The report shall not display any modifications that have a Reason for Modification value other than the above list.
The Subcontracting Plan Report appendix will be updated accordingly.
<td align="center">
<td align="center">

Latest revision as of 22:20, 28 October 2016


DescriptionStart Date End Date
BETA Installation Monday October 3, 2016Monday October 3, 2016
Government Acceptance Testing Tuesday October 18, 2016Thursday October 20, 2016
Installation in ProductionFriday October 28, 2016Friday October 28, 2016

Document Changes

DocumentationChanges Required
XML SpecificationsNo
Web ServicesNo
Data DictionaryYes
NASA Specific Data DictionaryNo
Use Case SummaryNo
Validation RulesYes
Atom FeedsNo
Online HelpNo
User ManualYes

SPR Listing

SPR #Enhancement/ProblemSolutionImpact to Users and Integrators
IAESAM-302 (RTC-27552) In order to comply with the Data Act requirement to be clear that the codes used in this field are for acquisition programs, the name of the Data Element Program, System or Equipment Code” will be changed.

Data Element 8B currently entitled “Program, System or Equipment Code” will be changed to “DOD Acquisition Program”. No
IAESAM-366 (RTC 24705) Add a filter to the ‘Contracting Office Selection’ and ‘Funding Office Selection’ screens to allow users to filter for Active Offices on the search screen FPDS shall add a check box to the ‘Contracting Office Selection’ and ‘Funding Office Selection’ screens to allow users to filter for active Contracting or Funding Offices from the search screen. No
RTC-29345 Currently Japan is not listed as one of the countries in the value ‘Mfg Outside U.S-Qualifying Country (DOD only)’, in the data element “Place of Manufacture” and therefore is not included in Validation Rule DOD9H03.

Update the Validation Rule to include Japan. Updated rule follows: DOD9H03- If the “Country of Product / Service Origin” is 'Australia', 'Austria', 'Belgium', 'Canada', 'Czech Republic', 'Denmark', 'Egypt', 'Germany', 'Finland', 'France', 'Greece', 'Israel', 'Italy', ‘Japan', Luxembourg', 'Netherlands', 'Norway', 'Poland', 'Portugal‘, ‘Slovenia’, 'Spain', 'Sweden', 'Switzerland', 'Turkey', or 'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the “Place of Manufacture" can only be Mfg Outside U.S-Qualifying Country (DOD only) or ‘Not a Manufactured End Product’.

IAESAM-387 (RTC-26652) Slovenia and Japan are not included in the value ‘Mfg Outside U.S-Qualifying Country (DOD only)’, in the Buy American Act/Place of Manufacture Report. Slovenia and Japan will be added to the DoD Qualifying Countries in the Buy American Act/Place of Manufacture Report. Below are the columns that will now include the Actions and Dollars for Slovenia and Japan. Below are the columns that the data for the two countries will be added:


The appendix and the preview will also be updated to include these countries.

IAESAM-404 (RTC-27529) The micropurchase threshold was changed from $3,000.00 to $3,500.00 and the simplified acquisition threshold from $100,000.00 to $150,000.00. The Workload Standard Report will be updated to change the micropurchase threshold from $3,000.00 to $3,500.00 and the simplified acquisition threshold from $100,000.00 to $150,000.00. The Columns, Report Appendix and the Preview will have to be updated with the new thresholds. An example of the columns that will have to be changed in the summary is shown below:


The appendix will also be updated accordingly.

RTC-28813 A request was made for FPDS to update the processing of name changes to Agencies, Major Commands, and Sub Commands, in order to maintain the history of each on existing contract actions.

Currently, when an Agency, Major Command or Sub Command is changed, the updated name is pushed to all existing contract actions in FPDS.

The system functionality will be changed as follows:

Existing contract actions will not be updated when FPDS updates the name of an Agency, Major Command, or Sub Command. New contract actions will use the updated name for the Agency, Major Command, or Sub Command. If an existing contract action is corrected or updated then the updated name for the Agency, Major Command, or Sub Command will be applied to that Contract action.

RTC-18231 A city length greater than 35 characters will incorrectly fire a validation rule error.The field lengths are also incorrect for these additional vendor fields:

- Vendor State
- Phone Number
- ZIP Code

The length of the Vendor City, Vendor State, Phone Number and ZIP Code fields in the database, shall be increased to match what is received from SAM.gov No
RTC-20686 The validation messages are displaying incorrectly when a user is prompted to change the password and inputs a new password which causes two or more validation messages to fire.The message is literally showing the break symbol instead of a line. FPDS shall return a line break, instead of the line break symbol, between each validation message fired when a user clicks ‘Save’ on the Reset Password page. FPDS shall maintain the current list of validation messages applicable to the Reset Password page. No
RTC-27005 The Competition Report appendix is missing four “Reason Not Competed Null” columns from the ‘Noncompetitive – Excludes orders subject to fair opportunity’ workflow. The below four columns are included in the report calculations/display but are missing from the appendix:

1. Reason Not Competed Null Actions
2. % Reason Not Competed Null Actions
3. Reason Not Competed Null Dollars
4. % Reason Not Competed Null Dollars

No report functionality will change. The following text will be added to the appendix.

Update the appendix of the Competition Report with the appropriate text:

"Reason Not Competed Null Actions" column displays the sum of Number of Action for:
- All actions where Extent Competed = Not Competed, Not Available for Competition AND Other than Full and Open Competition is null.
- Orders under single award contract where Extent Competed on the order = Not Competed, Not Available for Competition AND Other than Full and Open Competition is null.
- This column does not include Orders against multiple award contracts, Version 1.4 Part 8 BPAs and Part 8 BPA Calls.

"% Reason Not Competed Null Actions" is calculated as the percentage of "Reason Not Competed Null Actions" divided by Not Competed Actions.

"Reason Not Competed Null Dollars" column displays the sum of Action Obligation for:
- All actions where Extent Competed = Not Competed, Not Available for Competition AND Other than Full and Open Competition is null.
- Orders under single award contract where Extent Competed on the order = Not Competed, Not Available for Competition AND Other than Full and Open Competition is null.
- This column does not include Orders against multiple award contracts, Version 1.4 Part 8 BPAs and Part 8 BPA Calls.

"% Reason Not Competed Null Dollars" is calculated as the percentage of "Reason Not Competed Null Dollars" divided by Not Competed Dollars.

RTC-27012 The Geographical Report by Place of Performance is not calculating all ‘Women Owned Small Business’ actions and dollars. The calculation of the four ‘Women Owned Small Business’ columns are missing the following data elements:
  • Women Owned Small Business (Element ‘13UB’)
  • Economically Disadvantaged Women Owned Small Business (Element ‘13UC’)
  • Joint Venture Women Owned Small Business (Element ‘13UD’)
  • Joint Venture Economically Disadvantaged Women Owned Small Business (Element ‘13UE’)
  • The report logic will be updated to include these values.
    RTC-27327 The Contracting Office selection filter is not being considered in the Status of Actions and List of Users Reports. The following query screen shows the Contracting Office selected for the report:


    When the report was run the following data was displayed. The filter for the Contracting Office is not shown in the filter dropdown and other Contracting Offices are displayed in the report.


    The correct behavior is when a particular Contracting Office is selected on the query screen only that office will be displayed in the report. Also, the selected Contracting Office is to be displayed in the Active Filters list.

    The system will be updated to only the Contracting Office that is selected on the query screen will be displayed and the filter will be included in the filter list selected for the report.

    This issue will to be fixed for both Status of Actions and List of Users Reports. Screen shots are shown for only one report as the incorrect behavior is the same for both reports.

    RTC-28444 In order to allow Civilian Agencies to report using the old PIID format and the new Uniform PIID format, FPDS shall remove the validation rules regarding the PIID Prefix for Civilian Agencies.

    Current Implementation:

  • Contract Actions must begin with the registered Agency PIID prefix and the PIID must be unique.
  • An agency may not use a PIID prefix registered by another agency.
  • Only one PIID prefix is registered per Agency.
  • Contract Actions will not be required to begin with the registered Agency PIID Prefix.

    This will allow Civilian Agencies to report using their old PIID Prefix, or the Uniform PIID structure FPDS will continue to require the PIID be unique.

    RTC-29707 Internet Explorer versions 7 and 8 will no longer be allowed access to FPDS. Microsoft announced in January only the most current version of Internet Explorer available for a supported operating system will receive technical support and security updates. FPDS will Block IE7 and IE8 Users accessing the system. The following message will be displayed to the users:

    Effective October 2016, you can no longer access the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) using Internet Explorer (IE) Versions 7 & 8 (IE7 & IE8).You either need to upgrade to a Internet Explorer version of IE9 or higher, or access FPDS with another supported browser type (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc).

    RTC-30652 Code (B) Humanitarian or peacekeeping operations as defined in 10 U.S.C 2302(8) is currently listed as an exclusion in the SBGR and the Small Business Achievements by the Awarding Agency Report. Code (B) Humanitarian or peacekeeping operations as defined in 10 U.S.C 2302(8) for the Data Element "Contingency, Humanitarian and Peacekeeping Operation" will be deleted as an Exclusion to the SBGR and the Small Business Achievements by the Awarding Agency Report.

    The following note will be added to the appendix for each report.

    NOTE: If the SBGR or the Small Business Achievements by the Awarding Agency Report, is run for FY 2015 the value B Humanitarian or peacekeeping operations as defined in 10 U.S.C 2302(8) will not be included in the reports.

    Additionally the following statement will be added to the appendix for history purposes. Contracts performed outside of the United States: Awards performed outside of the US are designated when the country in the place of performance is NOT the United States. This data will no longer be excluded when the Date Signed is on or after October 1, 2015.

    IAESAM-265-RTC-19410 To comply with FAR Case 2014-003, the Data Element “Subcontract Plan” will be open for certain values selected in the Data Element “Reason for Modification”. A new “Reason for Modification” entitled ‘Add Subcontracting Plan’ will be created in FPDS-NG.

    The following validation rule will be added for the new ‘Add Subcontracting Plan’ for “Reason for Modification”

    New Validation Rule:

    11B10 - If "Reason for Modification" is 'Add Subcontracting Plan', then "Subcontract Plan" must be 'Individual Subcontract Plan', 'Commercial Subcontract Plan', or 'DOD Comprehensive Subcontract Plan'.

    FPDS-NG shall open Data Element “Subcontract Plan” on Modifications when the Reason for Modification is one of the following:

    • Novation Agreement
    • Rerepresentation of Non-Novated Merger/Acquisition
    • Rerepresentation
    • Add Subcontracting Plan

    The value on these modifications can be changed but is not required to be changed.

    The above will apply to the following types of actions.

    • Purchase Order
    • DCA
    • FSS
    • GWAC
    • BOA
    • Part 13 BPA
    • IDC

    The following current validation rules will continue to fire:

    11B01 - The Subcontracting Plan is not valid.
    11B04 - The "Subcontracting Plan" must be "Not Required" when the "Contractor Name/DUNS Number" represents a UNICOR vendor.
    11B07 - The "Subcontracting Plan" value cannot be "Plan Required (Pre 2004)" when "Signed Date" is after September 30th 2003.
    11B08 - The value 'DOD Comprehensive Subcontract Plan' for "Subcontracting Plan" may only be selected by DoD.

    FPDS-NG shall not apply the following existing validation rule to Modifications:

    11B02 - The "Subcontracting Plan" value must be "Not Required" when the "Contracting Officer's Business Size" is "Small."

    The Subcontract Plan Report shall be updated as follows:

    The Subcontracting Plan Report will now include Modifications having one of the following Reason for Modification values:

    • Novation Agreement
    • Rerepresentation of Non-Novated Merger/Acquisition
    • Rerepresentation
    • Add Subcontracting Plan

    The report shall continue to only include records which have a Subcontract Plan required:

    • C - Plan Required - Incentive Not Included
    • D - Plan Required - Incentive Included
    • E - Plan Required (Pre 2004)
    • F - Individual Subcontract Plan
    • G - Commercial Subcontract Plan
    • H - DOD Comprehensive Subcontract Plan

    The report shall not display any records having no Subcontract Plan required.

    The report shall not display any modifications that have a Reason for Modification value other than the above list.

    The Subcontracting Plan Report appendix will be updated accordingly.
