Sorting Values Displayed on Tables


You can apply one or multiple sorts to a table and then prioritize the order of the different sorts applied to the table. You can apply sorts to any dimensions, measures, or details displayed on a table. Sorting dimensions and details helps you organize results chronologically, while sorting measures helps you see highest or lowest results at a glance.

How the sorts are applied depends on whether the table includes a break. When you apply a sort to a table without breaks, the sort is applied to the selected row or column for the entire table. However, when you apply a sort to a table with breaks, the sort is applied to each break in the table.

In the example below, a descending sort is applied to Sales revenue:


When you insert a break on a table, an ascending sort is added to the object you selected. You can change the sort order for each break.


You can apply one or multiple sorts to a table. The following section tells you how to:

Sorting values on a table

To sort values on a table:

  1. Make sure you are in Edit mode and verify you are on the Properties tab.
    If the Properties tab is not visible, check the More report options checkbox.
    A document can contain multiple reports. The name of the selected report appears in the Current report drop-down list box.

  2. Leave the displayed report selected.
    Select a different report by clicking the arrow next to the Current report drop-down list box, and then select a different report from the list.
    The Result Preview pane displays the structure of the block on the report (a table, crosstab, or form).

  3. On the Result Preview pane, click the part of the block you want to sort.
    If you are working with a table or crosstab you can select the columns, or rows, or body. If you are working with a form you can select the title or value.
    The objects on the selected part of the block are listed in the Select an object to add/change/remove a property pane.

  4. Select the object you want to sort.
    For example if you want to sort the sales revenue values so that the results display from the highest to lowest results, select [Sales revenue].
    The selected object is shaded a darker color than the other objects.

  5. In the Sort section of the properties options, select the sort order you want to apply to the selected object.

  6. Click Run, if you are generating the results for the first time.
    Click Apply, if you have already generated the results once.
    WebIntelligence applies the sort to the selected column, row, or break.


Prioritizing multiple sorts on a table

To prioritize multiple sorts on a table:

  1. Make sure you are in Edit mode with the HTML Report Panel open and verify you are on the Properties tab.
    If the Properties tab is not visible, check the More report options checkbox.
    A document can contain multiple reports. The name of the selected report appears in the Current report drop-down list box.

  2. Leave the displayed report selected.
    Select a different report by clicking the arrow next to the Current report drop-down list box, and then select a different report from the list.
    The Result Preview pane displays the structure of the block on the report (a table, crosstab, or form).
    The pane to the right of the Result Preview pane displays the objects on the selected part of the block.

  3. Click the Break and Sort Priority box on the Result Preview pane.

    The objects that have a sort applied to them appear in the Sort Priority pane.

  4. Select the object you want to move up or down the sort order.
    The first object in the pane is the first object for which will sort values. The last object in the pane is the last object for which will sort values.

  5. Drag the object to a higher or lower position on the list.

    Click the Move Up or Move Down arrow next to the Sort Priority pane.

    You can apply other modifications to the document using the tabs on the HTML Report Panel or run the report now to view the results.

  6. Click Run, if you are generating the results for the first time.
    Click Apply, if you have already generated the results once.
    WebIntelligence applies the new sort order to the table.