Government Office Maintenance

The Government Office maintenance screens are used to create and update information about Contracting Offices and Funding Offices.

The following table lists the specifications for data for Funding and Contracting Offices:


Field Name


Required/Optional/System generated for DoD Users?

Required/Optional/Generated for Civilian Users.

Agency ID

4 characters

System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from DoDAAD

System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from

Agency Name

100 characters System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from DoDAAD System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from
Region Code 2 characters System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from DoDAAD System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from
Parent Organization ID 20 characters Optional; Editable, Input can be given when Is Contracting Office field is checked. By default the agency ID gets populated in this field System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from
Funding Office Start Date* Date System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from DoDAAD System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from
Funding Office End Date* Date System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from DoDAAD System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from
Contracting Office Start Date* Date

Optional; Editable

Mandatory if Contracting Office Flag is checked, then it is mandatory
System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from
Contracting Office End Date* Date Optional; System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from
Is Contracting Office Boolean Optional; Editable. System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from
Office ID 6 characters System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from DoDAAD System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from
Office Name 100 characters System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from DoDAAD System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from
Street Address 55 characters System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from DoDAAD System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from
Street Address 2 55 characters System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from DoDAAD System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from
Street Address 3 55 characters System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from DoDAAD System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from
City 55 characters System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from DoDAAD System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from
State Code 2 characters System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from DoDAAD System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from
Zip Code 10 characters System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from DoDAAD System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from
Country Code 3 characters System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from DoDAAD System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from
Country Name 100 characters System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from DoDAAD System Derived; Non-Editable; Derived from
Created By 50 characters Not allowed for user input; system maintained data and is defaulted to the user ID of the system administrator (for new codes only). Not allowed for user input; system maintained data and is defaulted to the user ID of the system administrator (for new codes only).
Created Date Date Not allowed for user input; system maintained data and is defaulted to the System Date (for new codes only). Not allowed for user input; system maintained data and is defaulted to the System Date (for new codes only).
Last Modified By 50 characters Not allowed for user input; system maintained data and is defaulted to the System Date. Not allowed for user input; system maintained data and is defaulted to the System Date.
Last Modified Date Date Not allowed for user input; system maintained data and is defaulted to the user ID of the system administrator. Not allowed for user input; system maintained data and is defaulted to the user ID of the system administrator.

Create a Government Office

Civilian Agency System Administrators must create offices in View more at


DoD funding offices (DODAACs) can not be created through this feature. DODAACs are created when an update from DODAAD is sent to FPDS-NG with new office information.


Edit/Update a Government Office

Civilian System Administrators must edit offices in View more at


DoD System Administrators can only edit the “is Contracting Office” check box (and save) using this feature. Although once they check the flag they will be able to provide inputs for a set of date values and parent organization code. However, if any of the mandatory information is missing the user can enter it.

The following lists the steps to edit a Government/Contracting Office:



1. From the FPDS-NG home page, select under the System Administration section.

The following screen displays:



2. Select a code to edit. Either scroll through the list or search.


To search :

Complete as many fields as possible in the lower section to refine the search criteria and reduce the number of items returned.

Click located in the lower right corner of the screen.


3. If more than one code displays, select (located in the Select field on the left) to choose the Office Code to edit.


4. Click on the right.



5. Change the information as required.

6. Click . The following screen displays and the Government/Contracting Office is now updated.