The User Management screen allows the Agency System Administrator to create additional user account profiles*, update, and enable/disable Agency Users. Agency System Administrators have the ability to read/write to their respective Agency Users’ Profiles and assign User Privileges.
The Agency System Administrator controls and monitors Government Users for their respective Agency’s end-users. The System User is implemented, maintained, and controlled by the FPDS System Administrator. The Public User is created in FPDS upon registration. The Public User is monitored and maintained by the FPDS System Administrator. User Types fall into three categories.
Government User - Agency personnel. The government user is able to access, maintain, track, and report contract awards in FPDS. The privileges assigned to a government user by their System Administrator will determine what features that user can access in FPDS.
*System Administrators have the ability to create additional user profiles for Government users requiring roles within an additional Activity Address Code (AAC) than those already assigned to the current user profile.
Note: Data fields in bold indicate mandatory information.
1. From the Navigation screen, under 'System Administration', click 'Users'.
2. Click 'New'.
3. FPDS will display a screen listing User Types. Select the appropriate User Type to proceed.
4. Enter data in the 'User Information' section.
5. Indicate whether the user has the right to login to the web interface by placing a check in the 'Web Portal Access' checkbox. If the 'Web Portal Access' box is not checked, the user will not be able to login to the web interface. The User ID will be accepted for batch transactions and business services.
6. Enter data in the 'Personal Information' section.
**The Email Address should be the same email address as the user’s account.
7. Indicate whether the user should receive email notifications by placing a check in the 'Receive Email Notification' checkbox. If the 'Receive Email Notification' box is not checked, the user will not receive notification on batch transactions or forgotten passwords.
8. Enter data in the 'Government User' section.
9. Click .
10. Click .
11. Click the Privileges on the left that you want the new user to have. If you select the Role , all of the sub-privileges will automatically be copied. All privileges are assigned at the Role level.
12. Click to copy the selections from the 'Available Privileges' side to the 'Assigned Privileges' side.
13. Click .