A new FPDS Atom Feed version of 1.5.3 is to be implemented with FPDS V1.5 Service Pack 15 (10/29/2022) and will impact the following feeds.
Public (Civilian) Atom Feed
DoD Authenticated Atom Feed
The aforementioned FPDS Atom Feeds will be updated to include the following tag names that are relevant to the Consortia data elements and are applicable to Other Transaction (OT) records only.
*Note that <ns1:consortiaInformation> will be in the xpath directly under <ns1:contractDetail>
After 10/29/2022, there will be two versions (V1.5.2 and V1.5.3) of the FPDS Atom feeds that will be available for use.
As applicable entity information will only be displayed on FPDS V1.5.3 Atom Feeds and beyond, the following FPDS V1.5.2 Atom Feeds shall be decommissioned along with the FPDS V1.5 Service Pack 17 deployment schedule:
Beta Decommission Date: 4/10/2023
V1.5.2 Public (Civilian) Atom Feed
V1.5.2 DoD Authenticated Atom Feed
Prod Decommission Date: 4/29/2023
V1.5.2 Public (Civilian) Atom Feed
V1.5.2 DoD Authenticated Atom Feed
For additional information regarding FPDS V1.5 Service Pack 15, including the content and associated implementation dates, the Service Pack Release notes can be accessed on the FPDS status page: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/status.html